Tighter labor markets = better outcomes

There’s a lot to like about tight labor markets, which is why Employ America is dedicated to promoting sustainably tighter labor markets through better fiscal and monetary policy, and through creative applications of existing authorities and powers in federal agencies.

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We’re not a match for everyone. We work within a narrow policy niche and expect a very high degree of autonomy and self-direction. We’re a very small team, so each new hire has a huge impact on the organization we’re building. We take our time in hiring, and we try to treat our team exceptionally well. This page is an effort to be candid: we describe what we do and how we operate so you can decide if EA sounds like somewhere you would thrive.

Skills we value:

  • Policy experience/knowledge - You have familiarity with the US policymaking process. Perhaps you’ve studied or written about it. Perhaps you’ve been in the trenches of making policy. Either way, you’re pragmatic and interested in results over ideology.
  • Passion for Macro - We focus on big questions about the macroeconomic landscape, especially labor markets, monetary policy, fiscal policy, and industrial policy. We’re looking for individuals who are similarly interested in those topics. You definitely don’t need a PhD to work here. But this is a specialized policy niche and we want to hire people who are truly excited about it; a general interest in inequality or economic policy is great but it doesn’t mean you’ll love our corner of the policy world.
  • Strong writing - Can we put what you produce out into the world quickly and without a ton of edits? We communicate with a wide variety of stakeholders but generally our tone as an organization is not terribly formal. Here’s a good example of macro writing that impressed us.
  • Good advocacy instincts & creativity - You are good at figuring out what tactics will deliver results. We try to focus on policy impact and not get distracted by stuff that feels good but doesn’t really change the situation.

What to know about us

  • We prefer to work with people directly before hiring. If we think you could be a good match for EA, we'll propose a (paid) project to work on together, so you can see what it's really like to work with us and we can get more insight into your work.
  • We’re pragmatic and opportunistic. We take advantage of (often fleeting) windows of opportunity to promote full employment via fiscal and monetary policy. Sometimes we find ourselves working with policymakers who we might not agree with on other issues, but who are allies in a particular policy moment.
  • There is a high degree of autonomy. If you prefer a highly structured working environment, we’re probably not the right fit for you. We collaborate, support, and help one another but most roles involve a lot of solo, self-directed work. There is seldom a roadmap and we will often ask even junior staff to figure things out from scratch.
  • We focus on Federal Reserve personnel and policy, as well as fiscal policy to boost employment (especially in downturns). We are small, and try not to bite off more than we can chew. There are lots of important macroeconomic issues that we don’t work on, because other groups are already doing great work in those areas. If our particular macro niche isn’t one of your top issues, we might not be a good match for your skills and passion.
  • We’re more grasstops than grassroots. Our audience is usually policymakers, macroeconomists, and the Fed itself, as well as the journalists and commentators that influence them. Grassroots work is extremely important, but many other organizations (including our friends at Fed Up) are better situated to do that work than we are. If your personal theory of change is focused on grassroots organizing, you might find our approach frustrating or inadequate.

Here’s what we can offer

  • Opportunity for Impact. If you produce excellent work, we’ll help you get it in the hands of the people making the big decisions on economic policy.
  • (real) Flexibility. We work in the world of policymaking, and we won’t tell you you’ll never work a weekend or evening at EA. But we take ample time to take care of the kids, run errands, go to the doctor, take a mental health day, and generally enjoy our lives. We’re also a fully remote organization. For most roles, you can work however, whenever, and wherever you need to to be at your best.
  • Great Pay & Benefits. We have a salary floor of $55k annually for full-time roles. We cover employee health premiums 100% (and additional family at 50%) on generous, trans-inclusive plans, and have a 4% dollar-for-dollar 401k match with immediate vesting. We also offer generous parental leave, unlimited paid time off, and generally encourage you to take ample time to recharge and live your life.

If you need to reach a real human to ask questions or get info, feel free to email Director of Operations & Culture Kim Stiens.

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