Supply Side
12 postsThe Global Dimension of Inflation: Exposing The Achilles' Heel of Stabilization Policy
Summary The post-pandemic period was marked by global forces that raised inflation across all developed economies. Dominant explanations of inflation should be of a similarly global character. Policy...
The Fed's Other Supply-Side Dilemma: Today's Restrictive Policies Are Deteriorating Tomorrow's Housing Supply Outlook
Today's data largely confirmed what we've known for some time now: the Fed's restrictive policies are restricting the level and growth of...
Where High Rates are Restricting Investment
In this piece, we take a deeper dive into the finer details of the national accounts to gain some insight into how exactly monetary policy is restricting investment.
It Wasn't AI: How Fiscal Supports, Supply Chain Healing, & Full Employment Explain Exceptional Productivity In 2023
The productivity data is messy and often should not be taken at face value. Our "Cautious Case For Productivity Optimism" in the summer of last year...