261 postsBeyond Monetary Policy: Site-Neutral Medicare Payments Can Help Secure a Soft Landing
With healthcare costs projected to rise over the coming decade, a policy proposal that has been circulating is making Medicare reimbursements site-neutral. In this brief, we estimate the disinflation effects of implementing site-neutral payments for Medicare.
December Inflation Preview: How Much More Disinflation Can Be "Banked" Before Q1 Begins?
Core-Cast is our nowcasting model to track the Fed's preferred inflation gauges before and through their release date. The heatmaps below give a comprehensive view of...
Ten Thoughts On The Tribal “Transitory” Debate As We Enter 2024
There will be a time and a place for a more thorough retrospective of this still-unfolding (dis)inflationary episode, but it would be premature to make strong declarations...