244 postsThe Importance of Commercial Site-Neutral Payments in Combating Healthcare Inflation
If policy is to have a significant impact on medical services inflation, and by extension aggregate inflation, it is not enough to only tackle costs in the public sector. Policy needs to ensure cost control in the private sector as well.
October 2024 Core-Cast Post-PCE: In Line With Our Nowcasts. Plausible This Marks The Start Of A Longer Run Of Upside
Most of the Personal Consumption Expenditures (PCE) inflation gauges are sourced from Consumer Price Index (CPI) data, but Producer Price Index (PPI) input data is of increasing relevance,...
The Global Dimension of Inflation: Exposing The Achilles' Heel of Stabilization Policy
Summary The post-pandemic period was marked by global forces that raised inflation across all developed economies. Dominant explanations of inflation should be of a similarly global character. Policy...
The 1990s Blueprint: Controlling Healthcare Costs to Boost the Economy
The 1990s saw an extended period of full employment, high growth, and low inflation. Part of this achievement was attributable to healthcare cost control efforts undertaken by both public- and private-sector actors.