Supply Chain Monitor: Industrial Production March '24
Today’s edition focuses on the Industrial Production data produced by the Federal Reserve – a dataset which allows us to evaluate and aggregate sector-level shifts in production and output.
Today’s edition focuses on the Industrial Production data produced by the Federal Reserve – a dataset which allows us to evaluate and aggregate sector-level shifts in production and output.
In this series, we’ve examined the technological advances that created the shale revolution, studied the public policy that accelerated those advances, and evaluated the current state of next-gen geothermal energy. What are the optimal policy interventions for commercializing next-gen geothermal?
This is the third piece in a joint series by Employ America and the Institute for Progress examining the potential to commercialize next-gen geothermal energy, the lessons we might learn from the shale revolution, and the federal policy changes needed to make it happen.
This is the second piece in Hot Rocks: Commercializing Next-Generation Geothermal Energy, a joint series by Employ America and the Institute for Progress, examining the potential to commercialize...
Last Update: Thursday, August 16, 2023 Next Update: Friday, September 1, 2023 This is the Final Supply Chain Monitor in this exact format. Starting in September, newsletter subscribers...