Supply Chain Monitor: Industrial Production June 2024
The June G.17 Industrial Production report outperformed expectations.
The June G.17 Industrial Production report outperformed expectations.
The industrial production data posted slow growth for the month of May 2024, with the index rising 0.9% over the previous month, which translates to a 0.4% increase in year over year terms.
Aggregate industrial production was unchanged month-over-month in the April data, translating to a decline of 0.4% year over year.
Today’s edition focuses on the Industrial Production data produced by the Federal Reserve – a dataset which allows us to evaluate and aggregate sector-level shifts in production and output.
In this series, we’ve examined the technological advances that created the shale revolution, studied the public policy that accelerated those advances, and evaluated the current state of next-gen geothermal energy. What are the optimal policy interventions for commercializing next-gen geothermal?