11 postsPrescriptive View: Biden Administration Could Use Healthcare Pricing Authorities to Limit Inflation
Earlier this year, the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released the Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPRM) for Medicare Advantage spending and methodological changes for CY...
Congress Has a Meaningful Opportunity to Relieve Inflation through the Healthcare Sector
As Congress considers a year-end spending bill, it faces a decision that will have a meaningful effect on inflation: whether or not to extend across-the-board Medicare reimbursement rates.
A Holistic Anti-Inflationary Strategy
The White House and Congress should consider an “all-of-the-above” approach oriented around three objectives: (1) investments where productive capacity; (2) targeted policies for reducing sectoral demand; and (3) policies that facilitate greater competition and technological diffusion.
The Proposed 8% Medicare Advantage Bump Will Add To Inflation in 2023
Now is the time for the Biden administration to think hard about how to encourage greater efficiency for the already elevated set of healthcare costs that the government and the private sector finance in this country.