The Dream of the 90's, Part I: The Three Drivers of Productivity Growth
"The Dream of the 90's" examines the macroeconomic conditions that led to strong growth in the late-1990s and what policies can revive that productivity growth today.
Beyond Monetary Policy: Site-Neutral Medicare Payments Can Help Secure a Soft Landing
With healthcare costs projected to rise over the coming decade, a policy proposal that has been circulating is making Medicare reimbursements site-neutral. In this brief, we estimate the disinflation effects of implementing site-neutral payments for Medicare.
Hot Rocks Part IV: The Policy Interventions that Could Boost Geothermal
In this series, we’ve examined the technological advances that created the shale revolution, studied the public policy that accelerated those advances, and evaluated the current state of next-gen geothermal energy. What are the optimal policy interventions for commercializing next-gen geothermal?
Three Motivations for Interest Rate Normalization: A Playbook for Fed Policy in 2024
What steps should the Fed take to preserve the hard-earned recovery in the labor market? We present a path for the Fed in 2024.
The Fed in 2023: Buying into Deceleration
In this piece, we’ll take a look at how the Fed’s thinking on the labor market has changed as the data validated or disproved various hypotheses in 2023.